Rabu, 02 September 2015


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. My name is Sabila Rahmania. I study in 3 Senior High School Bandung. I was born in 14th April 2000. My Hobby is reading.My idol is Mr. B J Habibie, Umar bin Khottob and Ibnu Sina, I think they are very smart. I want to be a doctor and multi talents person like Ibnu Sina, I want to be a smart people like Mr. Habibie and I want to be a wise people like Umar bin Khattab, but the number one people in our world is my prophet Muhammad SAW . And I love Al-Qur'an,why? You must read Al-Qur'an, and you will know why I love Al-Qur'an. And the last My favorite food is pempek. So, that's all about me. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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